Health is More Than a State of Being: It is a State of Living
When there is a transformation from whole, sustainable farming controlled by locals within a trusted, trustworthy and healthy community, to a commercialized, for-profit food production, we see a reduction in food quality and service to Mother Earth.
Your Assignment is to Find YOUR intake Protocol --- all else is help in doing so
Feeding the Body is now a Life-Project strategically organized to enhance body and immune wellness, energy production for your high productivity, and disease prevention. -This “After Earth” state of existence
poses new threats but also imports new sciences in food and nutrient intake.
Supplementing Science is Practical and Necessary
Soil depletion, synthetic fertilizers
and seed manipulation have necessitated the use of special, yet basic formulations (freeze dried, powdered, minimal preservative), processes that can fill any gaps that may exist in the daily food intake regimen. Enhancement is also possible with said supplementation.
Do it For Your Mind; Do it for Your Body
In your pursuit for the strongest, most efficient being, every tool lending to your health, Mind and Temple building must be employed; no stone shall be unturned; no crevice of darkness unlit. One need not place One’s Mind solely on the task of Body Mind-Building all day, but the moments engaged in the reforging of your Temple must be your sole focus in those moments - Sciences Temple
*Our programs take dietary restrictions for health, religious, or personal reasons into consideration.
Nutrition Advice
We can give You the best nutrition advice an email can “buy.” Just send us your single question about nutrition to our listed email, and we will promptly answer it.
Any type of mineral or other supplement recommendation we give will be from a naturally sourced, or pure source product line.
Having received the National Academy of Sports Medicine certification, our fitness coach is prepared to walk You through your problems or sticking points
with your eating regimen –– even if youre trying to avoid certain foods for health reasons healing food regimens, or weight loss / gain.
Intake Specifics
We are familiar with Paleo, OMAD, Vegan, Vegetarian, Keto, and Carnivore intake regimens. We will only recommend intakes that are beneficial to the principle dependent on current health and with regard to any underlying issues with same.
We have products to assist you greatly in your effort to eat healthy and proactively to keep your body in its prime condition.
For any questions regarding our products, simply email us, and we will answer promptly.
“Im learning so much from your plan its ridiculous”
Valued purchasers of several S.T products
Richard W.
Perfect for me since I'm always so busy, and when I'm not on the go I really don't have the energy to do anything big. So this works.
The information is well put together, easy to follow, and detailed.
Karen M.
Kia B.
Thank You for all the work you do; it is very appreciated
“I love how you break information down from a very scientific perspective”
Carl B.
I strongly recommend reaching out to this brother for this meal plan, and any needed consultations on health.
Maurice B.
I've done business with this brother for the past few years and he is as Honest, Honorable, and Knowledgeable as they come
Potent effect, SMOOTHER feel
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S.H.-F Shipping
“Bro, This sh*@t fire! Where you been!”
“The pills work best for me, but you right about the liquid, it is smoother.”
Sam R.
High level effective! Works exactly like you said; so far I’m using it for exercise but I know it wont dissappoint in the bedroom!
Terrence M.
“Tincture taste is horrible, but it does the job. My next order is them pills tho.”
Lewis W.
This has helped me during my morning workouts because I'm definitely not a morning person so the tincture did give me that extra boost of energy for the gym more so than the Infinite Thick pills.
Profit M.
Infinite Thick
Our Best Seller
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